Why Wispeo is Better than Dropbox, WeTransfer, and Texting

You’ve probably heard us say it before a time or two (or three), but we really do love Wispeo. We think it’s an awesome way to share full resolution videos from our phone with the people who need to see it. Plus, it also works as a free video converter so I can get my iPhone formatted video to work on other devices and play nice with other programs.

Since Wispeo is so new (beta for desktop available here, mobile app soon available), we wanted to show you how Wispeo compares to some other more and less well known ways to share photos and videos out there in the wild.

When we first started to see a need for Wispeo, we asked people how they usually shared video files. From professional videographers to stay-at-home moms, they gave us several different ways they’ve cobbled together a solution to send video – though no one solution worked for them every time, they basically boiled down to a couple options: cloud storage (like Dropbox accounts), large file transfer sites (like WeTransfer), uploading a video to YouTube and downloading it in a new format (seriously, it’s a thing), text message, social media, a flash drive (do people still have those?), and – last but not least – email.

All of these are options we’ve used more than once ourselves, but none of these options do everything we frequently need them to in order to get high resolution video off our phones or desktops into a usable format on another device. And most of them are a real pain most of the time.

Enter Wispeo. Here’s a little visual representation of where Wispeo fits into the market. Click to see full size.

wispeo table compare to dropbox wetransfer

A couple clarifications. When we talk about how Wispeo compares to social media as a whole we’re mostly thinking about the bigger photo and video sharing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Vine, and Snapchat.

When we compare Wispeo to cloud storage options we’re thinking mostly of DropBox since it’s what we’re most familiar with (and most of the other 400 million Dropbox users probably are too). We know, we know, iCloud and Google Drive are also cloud storage options, but they don’t have quite the same features that Dropbox does that make it easier to share video, but you could probably insert either one into the matrix above and it would still be true.

Also, we only compared Wispeo to WeTransfer and not other large file transfer sites since other sites don’t have quite the robust user and feature base they do. And when we shrug at WeTransfer’s app, it’s not that the app features don’t get the job done, it’s just that the app crashes A LOT when we try to use it and it takes an awfully long time.

So what do you think? How does Wispeo stack up against what’s out there? (Obvious answer: it is AWESOME. Do you see all those green check marks?!)

Use Wispeo to send your large files of all types to anyone, anywhere through your computer. Our mobile app will be available soon on both iOS and Android.

So tell us, how will you use Wispeo?

Wispeo is now mobile! Get the easiest way to share videos and photos from your phone in the App Store or from Google Play.

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